- 19 A, Alake Street,Opp. Abekuta South Local Government Secretariat, Ake, Abeokuta.
international exams

The International English Language Testing System is a leading English language proficiency test specially designed for academic and general migration purposes, with millions of test-takers in over 130 countries across the globe. Test-takers can either take computer-based or paper-based exam, depending on their preference.
Scored on unique 9-band scale, IELTS is designed to assess your communicative competence in the four major aspects of communication—Reading, Listening, Writing, and Speaking. While Reading and Listening are at the receptive level of communication, Writing and Speaking are both at the expressive level. Your results in both the expressive and receptive aspects of communication reflect how you will make use of English at work, study, and social interaction in your new life abroad.
The IELTS has two versions viz: IELTS Academic and IELTS General. The IELTS Academic is designed for those whose are sitting the examination for academic purposes whether graduate or undergraduate, including medical professionals who want to further hone their medical know-how or practice in English-speaking countries. As for IELTS General, it is put in place to take care of the needs of those seeking to relocate for reasons other than academic, such as immigration or to gain work experience.
Thousands of schools across the globe are accepting IELTS Academic as part of their admission requirements and thousands of organisations are also taking IELTS General as part of employment requirements.